The main challenge was to design an application that would allow users to simulate and compare price scenarios for retail products. The tool needed to analyze various discount strategies, display price comparisons between products, and predict the future impact on sales for each product. This application was developed for Reynolds with the goal of optimizing pricing plans and maximizing profitability.
My primary role was to lead the creation of the design system and produce all interface designs for the product. This involved defining the visual structure and functionality, as well as collaborating closely with the development team to ensure a coherent and efficient implementation. I also worked on tailoring the design to the specific needs of the client, ensuring that the user experience was clear and functional at every step of the workflow.
One of the biggest challenges was making the interface intuitive and accessible to users with different experience levels. The complexity of the information displayed, such as multiple scenarios and discount parameters, required a design that organized the data clearly without overwhelming the user. To address this, I developed a modular and scalable visual system that allowed for the segmentation of information, making it easier to understand pricing scenarios without sacrificing important details.
To tackle the project, I conducted several co-creation workshops with stakeholders, which helped us define the key objectives and priorities of the product. Throughout development, we performed user testing at different stages to ensure that the experience was optimized and tailored to the client's needs. The creation of the MVP allowed us to test the tool in various regional areas, providing the opportunity to fine-tune solutions before the final release.
The result was a robust tool that enables Reynolds to simulate pricing and discount scenarios with high accuracy. The application not only facilitated strategic decision-making based on real data but also improved efficiency in pricing planning at a regional level. The implemented design system ensured visual and functional consistency across the platform, allowing for easy scalability and adaptation for future versions.